Page: 01-06. Private universities in Bangladesh: peoples’ perception and area of improvement.

Page: 01-06. Private universities in Bangladesh: peoples’ perception and area of improvement

 M. A. KADER1 and M. A. SALAM2

1=Md. Abdul Kader, Lecturer in Marketing, Asian University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh and 2=Md. A. Salam, Lecturer in Accounting, Asian University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Email:, *Corresponding author’s  Email:


The current study uncovers a tentative survey to cross-examine the role of private universities for higher education in Bangladesh. This study examines that private universities in Bangladesh, no doubt have contributed according to the social demand for higher education by facilitating a good number of students who otherwise could not have received university degrees. The samples 100 were taken on a random basis from about six private universities namely (i) The Millennium University (TMU), (ii). Southeast University (SU), (iii).  Stamford University (SU), (iv). State University of Bangladesh (SUB), (v).  Atish Dipankar University of Technology (ADUST) and (iv). Asian University of Bangladesh (AUB)  in the Dhaka metropolitan area. Participants were selected from Teachers from English Department, Business Department and CSE Department. The results of this study depict the contribution of private universities for the task of nation-building and reforming the education sector.

 Keywords: Private University, Peoples’ perception, Contribution, Higher education and Area of improvement.