M. T. I. JONY1, R. A. SHUVRO2 and R. SARKER3
1=Mohammad Toriqul Islam Jony, Lecturer, Department of Management, JatiyaKabiKaziNazrul Islam University, Trishal, Mymensingh. Email: jony.jkkniu@gmail.com, 2=Razuan Ahmed Shuvro, Assistant Professor, Department of Human Resource Management, JatiyaKabiKaziNazrul Islam University, Trishal, Mymensingh, Email:shuvro_ru@yahoo.com and 3=Rimon Sarker3, Assistant Professor, Department of Human Resource Management, JatiyaKabiKaziNazrul Islam University Trishal, Mymensingh, Email: rimon.ru89@gmail.com
*US dollar ($) 1 = Taka (Tk) 83.
Mobile banking is an entirely new field in the Banking industry of Bangladesh and technology has offered the world a chance to move into a new arena.It is well known that mobile phones have tremendous capacity for money transfers, contributing to economic growth with great ease and vastly reduced costs. However this study is an attempt to explore the tendency of people pursuing the service of M-banking among the users of rural areas of Bangladesh.A well-designed standardized questionnaire was also generated and the data were obtained through an interview from the randomly selected 250 users of M-banking located at different rural areas of Mumensingh district of Bangladesh. Data were collected from March to July 2019.The result of the study reveals that Social Influence and Performance Expectancy have significant influence on the intentions of people availing the services of M-Banking. On the other hand; Effort Expectancy and Facilitating Conditions have no significant influence on the intention of People in availing the services of M-Banking among its user of rural areas of Mymensingh,Bangladesh.
Keywords: M-Banking, UTAUT Model, Tendency and Intentions.