1=Md. Jahangir Alam, Lecturer, Department of Management, JatiyaKabiKaziNazrul Islam University, Trishal, Mymensing, Email: jahangirru@yahoo.com, 2=Razuan Ahmed Shuvro, Assistant Professor, Department of Human Resource Management, JatiyaKabiKaziNazrul Islam University, Trishal, Mymensing, Email: shuvro_ru@yahoo.com, 2=Md. Rafiqul Amin, Assistant Professor, Department of Human Resource Management, JatiyaKabiKaziNazrul Islam University, Trishal, Mymensing, Email: abirshalo@yahoo.com and 3=Md. MahmudulHasan, MBA Student, Department of Management Studies, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Email: mmhasan1131@gmail.com
The study was conducted at the Department of Management, JatiyaKabiKaziNazrul Islam University, Trishal, Mymensingh, during the period of December, 2019 to February, 2020. This study examines the availability of the Herzberg’s two-factor theory in organizations in Bangladesh and their influence on employees’ intention to stay. It has been conducted through a field survey among 250 respondents from different organizations of Bangladesh through a well-structured questionnaire. Multiple regressions have been used to assess the influence of the factors on the intention to stay of the employees. The study finds that many of the two factors are available in the organizations. It also identifies that the most driving factors among the two-factors which make employees convinced to stay in organizations are Relation with supervisors and peers, Working conditions, Pay and security, Status, Achievement and Advancement and growth. That means they have a positive influence on the intention to stay of the employees in organizations. The factors: Company policies and administration, Recognition and The work itself among the two-factors are found to have no significant influence on their intention to stay. On the other hand, the factor Responsibility influence negatively on the respondents’ intention to stay in organizations.
Keywords: Two-factors, Factors, Intention to stay and Organizations