Page: 1293-1299. A statistical evaluative judgment concerning agricultural banking industry in Bangladesh.


1=Senior Lecturer, School of Business, Department of Statistics and  2&3=Senior Lecturer, School of Business, Department of Marketing, Asian University of Bangladesh, Rajshahi Campus, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

*Corresponding author’s E-mail:ram1_stat


Agriculture has a major impact on the economic development of the country. To ensure sustainable agricultural development, agricultural banks are providing an adequate financial support for the smooth running of this sector. The study is diagnostic and exploratory in nature and it depends on secondary data. Simple regression analysis and coefficient of determination (R2) were used to test the trend of growth and how well it fits the regression equation by using the real data point for the different actions of agricultural bank in Bangladesh. The researchers have analyzed proportional perfection and enlargement of RAKUB in Bangladesh. They have examined the different services and conveniences provided for the overall perfection of this sector. The finding shows a steady growth in terms of branches, manpower, deposits, loan and advances, income, expenditure, loan recovery, deposit interest rate and net profit of the agricultural bank (Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank) during the period 2004-2011. The analysis indicates that the growth of total investment and total loan disbursement is insignificant. Finally, outcomes are interpreted in this framework and the suggestion is that the management of agricultural bank in Bangladesh has significantly enhanced which has been commenced by the Government of Bangladesh. The study has been conducted in the corporate branch of RAKUB, Rajshahi under the supervision of DGM, Research and Development department from June, 2011 to June, 2012.

Keywords: Agriculture, Deposits, Loan advance, Investment, Deposits interest rate, Loan interest rate and Regression analysis.