Page: 01-07. Dyeing of cotton-jute-pineapple blended fabric with reactive dyes.

M. M. ALAM1*, M. KHATUN2, S. M. M. HOSSAIN 3, S. AKTER4 and T. B. KAMAL5

1=Md. Mahbubul Alam, Senior Scientific Officer, JTPDC Wing, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI), Dhaka, 2Mahmuda Khatun, Senior Scientific Officer, JTPDC Wing, BJRI,  3S. M. Mahruf  Hossain, Senior Scientific Officer, Printing Department, Dyeing and Printing Division, 4Sharmin Akter, Scientific Officer, Textile Physics Division and 5Tahnin Bintay Kamal, Scientific Officer, Mechanical Processing Division, Technical Research Wing, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh. *Corresponding author’s Email:


The study was conducted at the Laboratory of JTPDC wing, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2019. Reactive dyes are brilliant dye which was applied on 50% cotton: 30% jute: 20% pineapple blended fabric, 50% cotton: 50% Jute blended fabric and a 100% cotton fabrics. Samples of these three types of fabrics were dyed in conventional method in an identical condition applying exhaust dyeing method. After dyeing, the dyeing effects in the samples were compared with each other. It was found that all the results are almost same. The coverage of the dyeing between cotton, jute and pineapple fibre was very satisfactory. Exhaustion of dyes and fastness properties of the dyed fabrics were determined. Their physical properties, whiteness, softness properties and mechanical properties like stiffness were also studied. It was observed that the dyeing properties like exhaustion in 100% cotton are nearly similar and satisfactory to 50% cotton 30% jute: 20% pineapple blended fabric. The fastness properties of the 50% cotton 30% jute: 20% pineapple showed closer effect with 100% cotton. Stiffness, whiteness, softness was found nearly similar in all the samples. The fabrics were dyed without scouring, so it was cost effective and on the other hand reactive dye is a cheaper dye. It seems that 50% cotton 30% jute: 20% pineapple is viable considering cost of production and  comfortability.

Keywords: Reactive dyes, Fastness jute cotton and Pineapple fibre.