M. T. AKTAR1, M. B. HOSSAIN2, M. A. HASAN2, M. R. AMIN2 and M. A. ALIM2*
1Post-Graduate Student, 2Professor, Department of Agronomy and Agricultural Extension, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. *Corresponding author’s Email-maalim67@ru.ac.bd
The experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Agricultural Extension, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi Bangladesh during the period from November 2018 to February 2019 to study the response of mustard to seed rate and different sources of nitrogen. The experiment comprised of two sets of factors such as A: Four seed rate like, S1=6 Kg seed ha-1, S2= 8 Kg seed ha-1, S3=10 Kg seed ha-1, S4=12 Kg seed ha-1 ; B: Six sources of nitrogen fertilizer like, F0= Control (No fertilizer), F1= 100% recommended dose (RD) of N(90 Kg N ha-1) through urea, F2=75% recommended dose (RD) of N through urea + Cow dung @ 5 t ha-1, F3=75% recommended dose (RD) of N (67.5 Kg N ha-1) through urea + vermicompost @ 2 t ha-1, F4= 50% recommended dose (RD) of N through urea + Cow dung @ 5 t ha-1, F5=50% recommended dose (RD) of N (45 Kg N ha-1) through urea + vermicompost @ 2 t ha-1. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Seed rate significantly influenced plant height (cm), number of filled siliqua per plant, number of unfilled siliqua per plant, stover yield (t ha-1) but number of branches per plant, siliqua length (cm), 1000 seed weight, harvest index did not differ significantly. Seed rate S2(8 Kg ha-1) gave significantly the highest number of branches per plant, number of filled siliqua plant-1, 1000-seed weight (g), seed yield. On the other hand, longest plant was observed at S2 (12 Kg seed ha-1). Though the F2 (75% recommended dose (RD) of N through urea + Cow dung @ 5 t ha-1) treatment produced the longest plant butthe highest number of filled siliqua plant-1, siliqua length (cm), 1000-seed weight (g) and seed yield (t ha-1) were obtained from F3(75% recommended dose (RD) of N (67.5 Kg N ha-1) through urea + vermicompost @ 2 t ha-1). The interaction of S2F3(75% recommended dose (RD) of N (67.5 Kg N ha-1) through urea + vermicompost @ 2 t ha-1 with 8 Kg seed rate ha-1) produced the highest seed yield (2.67 t ha-1). Finally, from the overall results, it might be concluded that the application of 75% recommended dose (RD) of N (67.5 Kg N ha-1) through urea + vermicompost @ 2 t ha-1 (F2) with 8 Kg seed rate ha-1 (S1) was the best treatment for cultivation of mustard in the AEZ-11.
Keywords: Seed rate, Nitrogen, Vermicompost, Cowdung, Yield and Mustard.