Page: 07-10. An investigating of concrete blocks properties with high-range water-reducing admixture.

K. FATEMA1* and M. A. ALAM2

1=Kaniz Fatema, Research Fellow, Housing and Building Research Institute, Dhaka-1216, 2= Md. Ashraful Alam, Director General, Housing and Building Research Institute, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh.

*Corresponding Author’s Email:


The experiments were conducted at the Laboratory Plant in the Housing and Building Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh during, July 2020 to June 2021. Superplasticizer admixtures react chemically with the constituents of concrete, impacting both its fresh and hardened properties. The goal of this study was to determine the influence of a superplasticizer addition on the workability and compressive strength of concrete. Seven different mixes with superplasticizer in proportions of 0%, 0.20%,0.4%,0.60%, 0.8%  and 1.0 % by weight of cement for1:4 concrete block with w/c 0.28. The compressive strength and workability of fresh concrete were among the characteristics that were determined during the experiment. As a result of the findings, it’s been determined that adding Superplasticizer increases strength up to a 0.4% dosage and then decreases gradually. However, if the dosage levels are less than the ideal, increasing the additive dosage may improve the concrete’s properties.

Keywords: Concrete block, Superplasticizer, Compressive strength and Dredged sand.