Page: 786-792. Physico-mechanical properties of shock wave treated jute fiber reinforced composite materials.


 1=Assistant Professor, 2=MSc Student (Thesis), Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Rajshai University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh and  3Professor, Shockwave and Condensed Matter Research Center, Kumamoto University, Japan.


One of the main disadvantages of Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites (NFRP) is the adhesion between fiber and polymer matri- and relatively high moisture absorption. To improve the adhesion between the matrix and fiber, the fiber surface can be modified using the chemical, physical and radiation methods. In this work, newly a novel physical method underwater shock wave treatment for surface modification of jute fiber is developed for composite fabrication. This work also examines the effect of fiber treatments using underwater shock wave on mechanical properties and absorption behavior of fabricated jute fiber reinforced thermosetting polyester composite. The studies of physico-mechanical properties of show that the shockwave treated jute fiber reinforced composite exhibits better hydrophobic property than that untreated one. On the other hand mechanical properties of shock wave treated jute fiber reinforced composite were not found satisfactory level due to formation of micro cracks on the fibers surface after treatment. The study was conducted at the Tang ail district of Bangladesh during December 2009 to January 2010.

 Keywords: Water absorption, Composite fabrication, Reinforced composite and Underwater explosion   shock testing