1=Senior Scientific Officer (CC), 2=Scientific Officer, Tuber Crops Research Sub Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Munshigonj and 3=Senior Scientific Officer (CC), Tuber Crops Research Centre, BARI, Joydevpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh. *Corresponding author’s Email: nizamso92@yahoo.com.
The present study was carried out at Tuber Crops Research Station, BARI, Munshigonj during the winter of 2016-2017 to determine the effects of tuber grade and hilling height on the yield and quality of seed potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) for processing purpose. It was observed that the foliage coverage, plant height, stems/hill, number and weight of tubers/plant varied significantly due to variation of tuber grade. The earliest days to start emergence (13.22) was found when medium grade (40-55mm) whole tuber with minimum hilling height (7.5cm depth) was used followed by small size whole tuber (28-40mm). Vigorous plants, maximum plant height and the number of stems/ hill at 60 DAP were also produced when the crop was raised from large size whole tubers. The highest number (11.67) and weight of tubers/ hill (0.5473 kg) were observed in G2H2 andG2H3 combination respectively. The highest gross yield of tubers (36.88 t/ha) was also produced when medium grade tubers with medium hilling height were used. However, small tuber grade size and minimum hilling height would be performed maximum dry matter percentage (20.08%).
Keywords: Grade, Hilling height, Yield, Quality, Potato, Production and Processing.
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