Page: 01-08. The effect of proper optimization and advantage of solar based charging station for electric vehicles in respect of Bangladesh*.


1=Engr. Khondoker Rezaul Kawnain Founder and Principal, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Smart Computer Science Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


The study was conducted at the Department of Electrical and computer engineering of Smart Computer Science and technology under Bangladesh Technical Education Board BTEB, Smart Plaza, Halal Market Uttar Khan Azompur Dhaka conducted on June 10th, 2023. Renewable energy comes from naturally occurring sources with a finite supply. In a growing country like Bangladesh, using renewable energy sources is crucial. Rechargeable batteries are often used to power automobiles nowadays, and their appeal is growing daily in Bangladesh. But a lot of electric power is required to replenish batteries. Bangladesh, on the other hand, is going through a severe power crisis. For two to three hours each day, the whole population and other consumer sectors operate without electricity. Now, Bangladesh has a significant problem in trying to reduce it. The important evaluation, optimization and benefits of solar-powered charging stations for electric cars and upgraded conventional petroleum filling stations are covered in these themes and study.

Keywords: Optimize, Solar, Renovate and Filling station.

*Short communication


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