Page: 01-05. Study on the development of jute cotton pineapple blended yarn.

M. M. U. JUBAYER1, M. M. ALAM2*, M. KHATUN3, M. A. KAYSER4 and A. K. AZAD5

1=Md. Minhajj Uddin Jubayer, Chief Scientific Officer (CC), 2Md. Mahbubul Alam, Senior Scientific Officer, 3Mahmuda Khatun, Scientific Officer, 4M. A. Kayser, Senior Scientific Officer, Jute and Textile Product Development Centre and 5Dr. Abul Kalam Azad, Director, Jute and Textile Product Development Centre, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh. *Corresponding author’s Email:


The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Jute and Textile Product Development Center (JTPDC) wing, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh during the year of 2017 and 2018. Jute, Cotton and pineapple fibres are natural fibres. In this experiment jute, cotton and pineapple fiber were blended together and the yarn has been produced using both ring frame and rotor spinning machine stated at the laboratory of JTPDC wing. Count, Strength, Thick place, thin place, TPM have been measured and compared with the same properties of Jute-cotton blended Yarn of the same count.

Keywords: Blending, Jute, Cotton and Pineapple fibres.