M. W. ALI1*, M. J. SHAHSHUJA2, T. B. REZA3, M. N. RAHMAN4 and M. A. ALAM5
1-Md. Wahab Ali, Research Officer, Housing and Building Research Institute, Dhaka- 1216, Bangladesh, , 2Md. Jahid Shahshuja, Research Officer, Housing and Building Research Institute, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh, 3Tabassum Binte Reza, Research Fellow, Housing and Building Research Institute, Dhaka -1216, Bangladesh, 4Md Nafizur Rahman, Principal Research Officer, Housing and Building Research Institute, Dhaka -1216, Bangladesh and 5Md Ashraful Alam, Director General, Housing and Building Research Institute, Dhaka -1216, Bangladesh. *Corresponding author’s Email: chemistmdwahabali@gmail.com
The study was conducted at the Department of Building Material Division, Housing and Building Research Institute, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh from July 2021 to June 2022 to find out the feasibility of using Alternative Sustainable Coarse Aggregate as an alternative to brick and stone aggregate. Concrete is the most largely consumed construction material worldwide and almost seventy percent of concrete volume is aggregate Brick chips are manmade coarse aggregate and Stone chips is extensively used in building construction as coarse aggregate. So, the demand of aggregates in the construction industry has consequently increased, resulting in the reduction of sources and an increase in price. In such a situation, Alternative sustainable coarse aggregate from sand cement solid block can be both economical and ecofriendly alternative to stone and brick aggregate. This study presents an experimental investigation on the properties of aggregate. To investigate the possibility of using Alternative Sustainable Coarse Aggregate, Los Angles Abrasion and Crushing Value are done on Alternative sustainable coarse aggregate and compared with Brick aggregate and Stone aggregate test result. For this purpose, cement, dredged sand and Aggregate (brick chips, stone chips and Alternative aggregate) were used with same proportions 1:1.5:3 to cast 27 concrete cylinder specimens. Then the Compressive strength of this cylinder specimen is tested by Compression testing machine at 7, 14 and 28 days respectively.
Keywords: Block chips, Stone chips, Brick chips, Los angles abrasion, Aggregate crushing value and Compressive strength.