Page: 01-11. A study on rural women’s acceleration along with empowerment in the family as well as social circumstances.

R. M. I. KHAN1

1=Rashal Md. Iqbal Khan, Program & Operations Division, Stromme Foundation (strommestiftelsen) Bangladesh, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh.  Email:


The study was systematically investigated the role of microfinance program in accelerating the empowerment of rural women in family as well as social circumstances. The data were collected from Barvoria and Digdair villages in Sonatala upazila under Bogra District of Bangladesh during 01 May to 10 August 2010. The Rural women have established themselves as micro, small and medium entrepreneurs through economic inclusion where microfinance plays inevitable role in the theory of change and social performance strengthen the sustainability of the changes. They receive a variety of life-enhancing services from NGOs/MFIs and the major inclusion here is microloans. Therefore, the microfinance approach capacitated them in production and services-oriented capabilities, women’s self and sharing usage of microloans, access to money market, access to market and marketing, participation in family and social economy and decision-making processes and dimensions. The study also critiques the current concept of microfinance by comparing it with the noble approach used for social advancement of women through participation in socio-economic, socio-cultural and socio-political interventions. Because people used to think that microfinance is just the transaction of money with interest, which is completely a misconception. Nowadays, people are coming out of this concept while they realize the beauty of microfinance. It suggests that a more comprehensive, transparent, ethical interpretation of microfinance is indeed needed to initiate social change, enhancing the livelihoods of poor women and reducing their vulnerability, which are fundamental requirements for women’s empowerment and gender equality. The study highlights the reasons why women borrowers are back footed in access to microfinance as well as identifies the nature and extent of the factors influencing poor women’s empowerment, gender equality and decision-making independence. Apart from, finally found a suitable way to overcome the challenges and established a comprehensive framework for the emancipation of women of achieving independence. Hence to make the research work more visible, the study-context, evolution and continuity of microfinance, stratification of women, appropriate research methods and ways forward are critically discussed. Sample survey method and descriptive-inferential statistical analysis were the most common methods followed in social research. Women are the key inclusion in microfinance activities.

Keywords: Women, Empowerment, Gender, Dignity, Entrepreneurship, Poverty and Microfinance.