1=Abul Khaiyer Mollah, Senior Scientific Officer, Planning, Training & Communication Wing, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI), Dhaka, 2= Md. Mahbubul Islam, Director, Planning, Training & Communication Wing, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI), 3=Md. Kamrujjaman, Principal Scientific Officer, Agriculture Wing, BJRI, 4=Jannatul Bake Molla, Jute-Textile Wing, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI), Dhaka-1207 and 5=Md. Khorshed Alam, Jute-Textile Wing , Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI), Dhaka-1207, Dhaka, Bangladesh. *Corresponding author’s Email: khaiyer81@gmail.com.
The experiment was conducted in the Laboratory of Testing and Standardization Department of Textile Physics Division, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI) during the year of 2010 to 2012 maintaining standard testing condition. Jute yarns of different counts 8.25, 10.25 and 32.00 lbs/spy were collected from Platinum Jute Mill Ltd. (PJM), Star Jute Mill Ltd. (SJM), Jessore Jute Industries Ltd. (JJI) and Criscent Jute Mill Ltd. (CJM) of Khulna zone to assess the different quality parameters of yarn namely Counts, Tensile Strength, Twist per Inch, Tenacity, Quality Ratio% and Moisture Regain%. The research was conducted for the assessment of yarn quality produced from different batch compositions in jute mills in respect to spinning quality. The results revealed that the best quality yarn, possessing 91.59% quality ratio was produced in Jessore Jute Industries Ltd. (JJI) for 8.25 lbs/spy and the yarn of Star Jute Mill Ltd. (SJM) possessed the lowest quality ratio 84.43% for the same count. In case of 10.25 lbs/spy yarn which was produced in Platinum Jute Mill Ltd. (PJM) possessed the highest quality ratio 89.09% with the highest Tensile Strength and Tenacity and the yarn of same count produced in Star Jute Mill Ltd. (SJM) possessed the lowest quality ratio 85.46% with the lowest Tensile Strength and Tenacity. Yarn of 32.00 lbs/spy of Platinum Jute Mill Ltd. (PJM) obtained the highest quality ratio 88.74% and yarn of Criscent Jute Mills Ltd. (CJM) possessed the lowest quality ratio 83.93%. From the study it was found that batch compositions perform a significant role in determining the yarn quality.
Keywords: Jute yarn, Quality ratio, Tensile strength and Tenacity.