Page: 16-22. Implementing project based learning approach in teaching risk management course.


1=Onwesha Sarker, Lecturer, City University, 13/A Pantha Path, Dhaka-1215, 2Bipasha Sarker, Lecturer, Dhaka S. A. B. M College, Mirpur-10, Dhaka-1206 and  3Dr. Pradip Chandra Mandal,  Deputy General Manager, Titas Gas T & D Co. Ltd., 105 Kazi Nazrul Avenue, Kawran Bazar, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.

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Learning styles and teaching styles of management and humanity academic staffs are usually inconsistent in several points of view. Management and humanity students are visual, sensing, inductive, inquiring and active. But management and humanity education is usually verbal, abstract, deductive, passive and sequential. These discrepancies reduce students’ performance; create professional frustration and a barrier for producing potential management professionals. Modern management and humanity education techniques comprise simultaneous teaching and learning practices using project or program based learning, objective integrated learning and integrative learning approaches. Project-Based Learning (PBL) is recognized as a collaborative, progressive, student-centered, interactive, active and deep learning approach. The overall students’ performance in Risk Management course of a Malaysian reputed University is not satisfactory. Some students also fail to achieve some course learning outcomes (CLOs) and program outcomes (POs) through lecturers are delivering active teaching through flipped classroom model. This work investigated the learning styles of management students, the role of smart technologies and their applications for the implementation of PBL in Risk Management course. Students were organized into groups and surveys were conducted to understand their learning styles and expected resources. Lectures were delivered using electronic media and technology to achieve PBL objectives. Students were surveyed and interviewed after each project and teaching style was improved based on students’ feedback during teaching the next project or semester. Finally, acquired data were analyzed to remove its drawbacks. It is expected that students achieved good grade in this particular course by increasing retention of content, improving students’ attitudes towards learning, problem-solving and collaboration skills. In addition, all students were able to achieve CLOs and POs.

Keywords: Management and Humanity, Project-Based Learning, Course Learning Outcomes, Program Outcomes and Smart Technologies.