1=Professor and Chairman, Department of Physics, Jagannath University, Dhaka-1100, 2&3=PhD Research Student and 4=Professor, Department of Physics, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
This mini power plant presents the salient design features of the PKL(Bryophyllum pinnatum) electric system, which is the first of its kinds in the world. Experiences regarding the operation and maintenance of this PKL power plant, which has been functional in Bangladesh. Attempts have been made to correlate certain measurable parameters anticipated performance of the mini PKL power plant. As a practical application this mini power plant deals with the technology of PKL electricity used in application at the rural areas in Bangladesh. The appliances may not compete with the conventional electricity but in near future it is expected that the costs of the PKL electrode concentration cells will drop drastically, performances of several electrical appliances run on PKL electricity. Thousand watt mini power plants has been set-up at Islamabad village, Union-Rajapur, Thana-Kanighat in Sylhet district of Bangladesh. Energy saving AC bulbs are using for 57 houses, 10 energy saving energy bulbs and an 80 watt AC fan are using in a mosque of that village. This paper expressed the required PKL jouice, positive and negative electrodes, charge controller, modified square wave inverter, the panel board and storage batteries. Storage batteries are used for constant output voltage. The panel board is made by a DC voltmeter, AC voltmeter and DC voltammeter as indicators of the produced electricity. This mini power plant has been set-up for experimental purposes to develop “an operational system of clean energy production and supply using Pathor Kuchi Leaf (Bryophilum pinnatum)” electricity to the complex rural area where the grid electricity is absent. Most of the results have been tabulated and graphically discussed. This work has been done during the period of June 2010 to February 2011.
Keywords: Power plant, PKL, Clean energy, Production and Supply.