Page: 847-851. Some features of a-r1 spaces in supra fuzzy topology.

M. F. HOQUE1*, R. C. BHOWMIK1, M. R. KABIR2 and D. M. ALI3

1=Lecturer, 2Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Pabna Science and Technology University, Pabna, Bangladesh, 4Professor, Department of Mathematics, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

*Corresponding author’s Email:


We introduce and study three concepts of R1 supra fuzzy topological spaces in this paper. We have established some relations among them and we also prove that all these three definitions are satisfy ‘good extensions’ of the corresponding concepts of R1 in a topological space. We show that all the definitions are hereditary, productive and projective. Also we have studied some other properties of these concepts.

The study was conducted during June 2010 to June 2011.

Keywords: Fuzzy topology, Supra fuzzy topology, Product supra fuzzy topology and Lower semi continuous.